Hugo Barré, bass player and composer, developed his style from playing both electric and acoustic bass in jazz, rock and fusion groups. He played and recorded with different artists, singers and musicians as Alex Keren (album "Walkin’ On "), JP Raillot Quartet (albums "Sweet Chili”,“ Sud”, "Troll"), Louis Winsberg (world album "Kekanta"), with the jazz trumpetist Charles Moore, the pre-Yes rock prog band Mabel Greer's Toyshop (albums "New Way Of Life”, “The Secret") … . He played also in renowned orchestras as the Sporting Club in Monaco, the Lido in Paris, and with the classical strings orchestra Salad. Graduate, he is teaching contemporary music and bass at the Music Conservatory of Cergy-Pontoise near Paris, where he coaches and produces some bands. He also composes by mixing all his musical influences on his own projects.